Module matrix V


Effective in such pathologies as:
Oncology: all types, forms and stages.
Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: fibromas, melanomas, erosions.
Endocrine diseases: Diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyrotoxicosis, infertility, cirrhosis of the liver and others.
Viral infections: Herpes, hepatitis, influenza, foot and mouth disease, cytomegalopathy, rabies, encephalopathy, arachnoiditis, etc.
Brain pathologies: parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, consequences of acute disorders of cerebral circulation, etc.
Immunodeficiencies: multiple sclerosis, ankylosing spondylitis, HIV infection, sepsis, hemophilia.


Modul-V is a natural compound that belongs to a new class of highly effective antitumor agents.
Modul-V has antiviral, antitumor and immunomodulatory properties.
Medical and biological tests have confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer, viral diseases, iron and immunodeficiency states, lesions of the skin and mucous membranes and much more.
The drug is used in oncology, easily transported, adapted and selectively concentrated in places of localization of tumor formations and metastases.

Modul-V targets tissue defects and provides:
– selective concentration at sites of tissue defects and tumors with blocking of tumor growth and metastases;
– impact on the immune system with stimulation of hematopoiesis, improvement of blood and lymph quality;
– improvement of blood and lymph microcirculation in the affected organs and absence of side effects;
– absorption of pathogenic free radicals in the affected areas;
– tissue regeneration with maximum utilization of old and damaged cells;
– absorption and excretion of decay products, chemicals, toxins, radionuclides and harmful drugs from the body.

Effective in such pathologies as:
Oncology: all types, forms and stages.
Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: fibromas, melanomas, erosions.
Endocrine diseases: Diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyrotoxicosis, infertility, cirrhosis of the liver and others.
Viral infections: Herpes, hepatitis, influenza, foot and mouth disease, cytomegalopathy, rabies, encephalopathy, arachnoiditis, etc.
Brain pathologies: parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, consequences of acute disorders of cerebral circulation, etc.
Immunodeficiencies: multiple sclerosis, ankylosing spondylitis, HIV infection, sepsis, hemophilia.

Attention: contraindications pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Listening to the matrix does not cancel the visit to the doctor, taking tests from the attending physician.
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